Global Postural Re-education

Nuria Conesa is our physiotherapist and osteopath specialized in Global Postural Re-education. She will help you to correct your postural habits so that you can considerably increase your quality of life, especially if you suffer from chronic back pain.

Silent Problems

As time goes on and the type of habits that we often carry, we accumulate tensions, losing elasticity, deforming and shrinking our body. If there is an added factor such as an accident, illness, etc, things get worse.

Customized Solutions

GPR is a soft, progressive and active physiotherapy method that can be applied at any age taking care of the possibilities of each person.
We start from every patient individuality to design a global treatment looking for the origin that have provoked those diseases and trying to solve them watching the symptoms that the patient presents and how they evolve.

  • For adults and children
  • Treatment for Kyphosis
  • Treatment for Scoliosis
  • Sessions are recorded in video and images are given to you 
  • Free exploration

Book your appointment at +34 968 334 338 and we will assist you at our clinics in Murcia y San Javier.

Plaza de la Fuensanta 2, 7ºA
Edificio Hispania – 30008 Murcia

Avenida de Balsicas, 23
30730 – San Javier (Murcia)