Welcome to iHumanity User's Club
You will find in this page all the benefits for being part of iHumantiy Clinics User's Club
Belonging to iHumanity User's Club is FREE.
Benefits for belonging the Club:
FREE First Oral Cleaning!
And 20% discount on your next oral cleanings in our modern dentistry office.

We have a multidisciplinary team of dentists specializing in prosthetics, implants and dental aesthetics, which will propose you a definitive solution to any mouth problems.
Benefits for Club Members:
(*): This consultation is a dental checkup and no specific treatments are performed.
(**): Under prescription. Does not include possible bone regenerations or grafts of biomaterials.
(***):Must be approved by our finance company.

Our professional multidisciplinary team have the highest qualification and a continuous comprehensive training specialized in treatment and prevention of all types of bodily injuries at all levels.
Benefits for Club Members:
We make a perfect fit on your bike and shoes so you can practice your favorite sport without risk of injury in the future.
Benefits for Club Members:

Treatments for all types of biomechanical problems (bones and muscles). Also, pathologies as eczema, fungi, diabetic foot, etc.
Benefits for Club Members:
(*): This consultation is only an exploration to make a first clinical evaluation and no specific treatments are performed.
Our specialists in Advanced Clinical Audiology will be able to analyze your hearing at all levels, to establish an exhaustive diagnosis of your inner ear and hearing.
Benefits for Club Members:
(*): This consultation is only a first interview to know your problem and no specific treatments are performed.
(**): Must be approved by our finance company.

Exclusive promotions in different areas and activities carried out within our clinics for being a member of our Club:
(*): When signing for first month. Subject to time availability. Very small groups.
Join now the iHumanty User's Club and start enjoying these benefits!*
Be part of iHumanity Clinics User's Club and enjoy all these benefits without any additional cost by filling in the following form with your contact information and we will keep you informed by email and WhatsApp on your mobile phone about current promotions and any news and new activities and services you might be interested in, offered by iHumanity Clinic Group (CIF Servicios Sanitarios S.L.).
Don't worry about the treatment of your personal data as they will be safe with us. We will not share it with anyone since we comply with European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), since we are contracting the services of a Data Protection Officer (DPO) with Rubio Fuentes JM S.L., Abogados y Consultores, with NIF: B05506993, addresss: C/Isidoro de la Cierva 10, entresuelo izquierda, CP 30001 in Murcia, phone number: +34 868051143. If you wish to exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation, opposition or portability, send an email to info@rubiofuentes.com, specifying your query and attaching a copy of your ID.
(*): Discounts and promotions may vary without prior notice. Check this website regularly to check current benefits or call us at +34 968 334 348 if you need further information.